Monday 17 March 2008


Do all shoplifters deserved to be punished? I think that 75% of them do because the reasoning behind it is often lame and unjustified.

For young children today there is immense peer pressure to look good and to fit in. As if the peer pressure to do drugs and drink wasn't enough for teenagers today, they also have the added pressure of knowing that if they dont go through with a dare e.g. in this scenario to steal from a shop then they may get beaten up for being a 'woos'.
Obviously, the youths take the 'easy' option out and steal, however this is where the habit starts off for most. Some just forget about it and experience no remorse or adrenaline rush, but this is not the case for all.

In the clip 'family guy' from class, louis nver got caught stealing the first time, this therefore gave her an adrenaline rush and she loved the feeling of not getting caught. By her fourh attempt to steal it wasn't even about what she actually stole, it was just simply the fact of not gtting caught. Unfortunately this is also true for many people in our society today.

On the other hand, i do also believe that some people are not to blame for stealing, and it therefore would be 'justifiable' and 'for a better cause'. For example, if a homeless moter stole food for her starving children, i believe that she is in the right to do so and i feel i would do the same, had i been in her position.

Another group of people who i believe are not to blame are kleptomanias. This is a rare impulsive-disorder where people are not in complete physical control. Such people feel a strong urge to steal, however these people often feel a sense of remorse after as they don't choose to steal, nor do they want to. Kleptomanias are not understood very well as it's hard for us to undertand. I found an article on it from an American newspaper

Finally, i don't believe it is always wrong to steal, and neither do i believe that it is always someone's choice to steal. There are circumstances which create different situations, we should just aim to choice what's ''morally'' right.

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