Thursday 24 April 2008

Bad Cinema

When i found out that one of my 'being bad' lecturers involved a lecture based on 'bad cinema' i had many different ideas about what the lecture could discuss. Some of these ideas included thoughts about films containing bad acting, cheap filming and no story plot. However this was not the case, instead the lecture was based on an old film called 'kids'. This film was made in 1995 and more information can be found on this movie website-

This film consisted of teenagers experiencing and enjoying drugs and sex. But when this was released many people objected to it as it portrayed under-age children regularly having sex, it also portrayed the society as being not bothered/ not having any help to offer the children.

Although this film is classed as 'bad cinema' because there was no storyline, the acting was dreadful, many people disliked the film's reality, this film was seen a wake-up call to the harsh lives of certain poor children. It can open up the eyes of the public, showing people what effect bad parenting can have on children, and how important the right role model is during teenage years. It also emphasizes more important problems of the 20th century, such as HIV. The film showed many teenagers having sex without a condom, and treating it as no big deal, however the reality soon kicks in as the main character realises she has caught HIV after just having sex with one boy. This therefore sends out a message to the audience telling them that to catch HIV is easy and is caught by not using a condom. Since the movie the use od condoms have increased, and i think films showing problems such as these increase awareness in today's society and can therefore contribute to the end of underage sex/HIV in the future.

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