Saturday 3 May 2008


Working at a pharmacist for work experience made me very aware of the amount of drug addicts there are in my area alone. On a daily basis around 10-20 people came in so to collect their dose of methadone/pick up some clean needles. Those who collected the needles had no desire to wait around, for them it was just an easy way of getting their ‘fix’ and not catching HIV. I’m not quite sure what I thought of this giving away of needles to users as it only encourages them more, however in the long term it does help rule out the spreading of HIV.

Due to people being addicted to drugs whilst being pregnant it means that many children are born addicted to heroin as soon as they enter the world. For people, help is not what they want. For example, a recent example of a regular drug abuser is Amy Winehouse, even with her friends and family around her to help her she went to rehab for a few days, only to return to continue to drugs. This is because not all problems are easy to solve and sometimes it is more to do with psychology than anything else. I truly feel sorry for drug addicts as not all of them intentionally tried drugs, and they can often be found in a ‘rut’ which is very hard (but not impossible) to get out of.

A site which does offer help, moral and scientific,

1 comment:

*SaraH* said...

I find what you said about your work experience in a pharmacy very interesting. I do agree with your opposing views on handing out needles which would help an addict to take drugs however it does prevent the spread of HIV. I think drugs are something that will alwyas be present in society know matter how many bad stories are published in the press such as the stories related to Amy Winehouse that you have mentioned. Only yesterday she was arrested again for the possession of drugs even though she had her stint in rehab (by the way how ironic is her song). It is too easy nowadays to get hold of drugs. As long as they are around, there will always be addicts. Although I suppose it is some comfort to see that some people are doing it in a safe way by collecting clean needles and methodone as you mentioned from the pharmacy you worked at. It's better than nothing I suppose.