Saturday 3 May 2008

Plastic Surgery

This is becoming more and more common in today’s society, however I do not agree with the extremities of some surgery. For example, some people get their boobs enlarged, nose straightened just because people today are trying to look as good as celebrities.

However the fact that they are affordable does not mean it is 100% fool proof as surgery can go wrong for the best of people, e.g. Jordan.

People would rather spend their life’s savings on getting their face reshaped in order to look what they deem as being ‘beautiful’. Is our view on beauty changing as time goes on?

This shows the statistics of the number of people who get plastic surgery done.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think it is a clear signal of this day and age that people heve become so shallow in ways unimagineable. Plastic surgery in my eyes is a terrible thing to do. Instead of spending 1000s of pounds on plastic to be inserted into ones face or breasts didn't the thought cross ones mind that maybe they should invest in a councillor or a therapist or a psychologist for maybe convidence lessens and more self esteem. It is upsetting that people look at themselves through the eyes of the media. the only time I would allow plastic surgery is when u have been in a serious injury or car crash etc and it is needed or if you are born with a disability you can not handle. However if you are a perfectly fine individual with nothing wrong apart from self confidence why are you taking this step a step closer for making it a social norm?!